Friday, March 14, 2008

Barack Obama's Pastor

Now I have heard some things in the past about the pastor of the church that Obama goes to. However, it wasn't until this afternoon that some details finally came out.

Now, when you stick with a church for 20 years, get married in that church, have your children baptized in that church, when you are very close to your pastor...chances are pretty high you are satisfied and supportive of this church. From my own personal experience, my family just left one Catholic parish for another because we became very dissatisfied and uncomfortable (to say the least) with the direction of that parish. Likewise, here at my college, it is becoming clear to me that the Catholic chapel on campus is very liberal and does what they want...which I do not support and makes me uncomfortable. So, this semester, I have been to Mass there once and doubt I will be going there often if ever again, favoring the more traditional churches in town.

Now my whole point here is this. You pick your church and you pick your pastor based on what you like and what you are comfortable with. If you don't like it, you find another one. When you stay with the church for 20 years, you must like it.

Now...I have embedded video from Fox News that analyzes some of the sermons given by the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr that are downright HATEFUL of America! Wait a second...Obama is buddy-buddy with a person who hates America...sits in the pews and listens to this guy spew anti-American lies...and he is running for PRESIDENT? Maybe its just me...but something doesn't seem right.

Take a look for yourself:

For further reading:
Another video:
Obama's Church Website:

UPDATE: Apparently Obama has just released a statement regarding this very issue. That can be found by clicking here. You be the judge...I personally find it hard to believe that Obama never heard these sermons or didn't even know about them until the start of his campaign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read about it in the Wall Street Journal.
Talk about scary! 0_O
Why would you even attempt to run for Presidency when you have something like this behind you?
Attending a church that is Anti-American? Don't you think that he would know that was a little too touchy of a subject for our country?