Monday, May 12, 2008

"Catholic" Democrats?

I just read an article on some comments Catholic League President Bill Donahue made on Obama and his Catholic supporters. It brought up to mind something that has really bothered me over the past few months. I simply do not see how Catholics....or ANY Christians...can support Obama or the democratic party in general! It really gets on my nerves to see articles on how the Democratic nominees are "fighting" for the "Catholic" vote. There shouldn't be ANY Catholic vote for the Democrats!

How can these "Catholic" democrats vote for and support candidates who have such a blatant disregard for human life and basic Christian morals? One of the Democratic Parties staunchest platforms is to allow abortions and stem-cell research. The Catholic Church teaches these as intrinsically evil! Would someone please explain to me then how someone can call themselves Catholic, yet support the Democrats?

I think a lot of it has to do with long standing voting traditions. Back in the day, it was the Democrats who were more closely aligned to Catholic many people today just vote Democrat because that is what their parents and grandparents did. If that is the case, these people need to wake up and actually look at the issues. And this isn't just for Catholics either...I don't see how any Christian can support this party.

A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the Culture of Death. Which are you going to support come November?

Bill Donahue Article:


Anonymous said...

Well, I am a catholic and a democrat and god has not smitten me yet and I don't believe he ever will.

Are you actually saying that you would vote republican no matter who was running for office? Even if the republican running was worse for the country than the democrat? I think that you have to vote for the person that you believe will run the country the best, no matter if that person is republican or democrat, Catholic or Muslim.

And other thing, I don't think religion should come into play when voting for a person that is going to run the entire country. Not everyone in the U.S. is Catholic. So the soon to be new leader of the U.S. should not be pick on the thoughts of just one religion but on what the person can achieve in those four years to better the country as a whole, not just Catholics.

Also, about the whole abortion thing. Do you really want to make a huge decision like voting for the next president on one issue that you disagree with. I am Catholic and I may be voting Democratic. I believe that a women should have a choice when it comes to her body. She should have the choice to either have the baby or not. Don't get me wrong, if I was in that certain situation i would have the baby but I still believe that the women should have to choice. Because we are not all the same, we are not all catholic, so we were not all taught with the same way of looking at certain situations. Anyways if abortions did become illegal again women would still be getting abortion. Just now it would be not as safe and many of these women could die from infection.

When you said, "A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the Culture of Death. Which are you going to support come November?" you were being very judgmental. You were basically saying that anyone who votes democratic or is a democrat is a murderer. At least that is how I took it. If I have misunderstood what you have said please correct me. But as it stands I believe you are calling me a murderer when I have not committed that crime.

Just a reminder, since you are Catholic, God is the only one who judge. Please read Matthew 7:1-5.

And FYI I know It does not say exactly that god is the only one who can judge but it does say you shouldn't judge.

Todd said...


No...I am not saying I would vote Republican no matter what. I tried to show that by saying that, in the past, it was the Democrats that I would have aligned myself with. So no...I would not necessarily vote Republican always. I vote for the person I think will run the country best...just like you.

Now, for the rest of your comments...abortion is by far not the only thing I am looking at in a candidate. It is important, but not the only thing. I simply only had time (and resources) to post on this particular topic today. If you have noticed, I like to have at least one article with each post I do to go with my blog entry. I just happened to run across that one today.

As for my last statement...I do not see it as judgmental at all. Its a simple fact...the Democratic Party Platform does not support a culture that values life as highly as the Catholic Church teaches it should be held. Pointing out a simple fact is not being judgmental.

Lastly, on the fact that many, many Americans are not Catholics therefore there is no need to support Catholic teaching outside of our personal lives...that couldn't be more false. How many times does Jesus tell us to "go and make disciples of all nations" or other such evangelical claims? Ask yourself this: By voting for a Pro-Choice candidate, is the Kingdom of God being built up? Are we making disciples? Are we leading people away from sin? You say you would keep the baby in a heart beat, which is excellent. But are we to stand by and turn a blind eye while others sin? Isn't it our responsibility as followers of Christ to try to help our fellow humans make sound, moral choices? And if you think it should be legal just because it will be done anyways, then what about burglary, arson, murder, illegal drugs, weapons, etc etc etc? People do all of those things too, even though they are illegal? Should we just allow those as well? Of course would be anarchy then.

Hope I addressed everything and didn't forget anything. Thanks for posting Katelyn.

Anonymous said...


Weather or not you meant not to sound judgmental, you did. To me it sounded like you were pointing out one group of people, catholics who are democrats, and finding faults with them. I would just watch the way you word things.

I think you have to realize that not everyone is Catholic and have the same views as you. And who are you to say that their religion is wrong?

Abortion is a touchy issue for almost anyone and it becoming illegal won't make it go away. Just like other crimes it would be committed. I just hope it does not become illegal because women would then go to people who may or may not be a doctor to have an abortion. I would rather it was done in a sterile safe place, if it must be done. I know abortion is against the beliefs of Catholics but so is murder. And if we make abortion illegal that is actually what we will be doing. I am just picking the lesser of two evils. Ask yourself would you rather have just one dead body (baby) or two(women and baby)?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the last post, I have to wonder about something that was said. I don't want to get this wrong so I am asking for clarification.

Do you mean that by abortion being legal it is not murder? And by making illegal it becomes murder?

Because if that is the case there was nothing wrong with exterminating the millions of Jews during the holocaust, it was state policy and perfectly legal.

A few points about abortion to consider.

Yes a woman has the right to make choices about her maybe she should look 9 months down the road and not engage in sex?

What about the other 2 parties involved? The father, who was also responsible for conception would be expected to help raise the child and make decisions about the child's upbringing but he has no say in whether the child even gets to live? And what of the child itself. Are the rights of one person more important than the rights of any other person? If not, how can the right of a child to just have the chance to live life be overruled by the right of the parents to not "complicate" their lives?

Anonymous said...

Katelyn - As a woman, I feel the time for a woman to choose, is when she puts herself in the circumstances of becoming pregnant. Choose to not become pregnant, don't choose to get kill a child. I'm so tired of hearing other women claim that they have a right to do what they want with their bodies. Make that choice before another body is involved...because you don't have the right to decide if someone else lives or dies. Stop sleeping around and then using abortion as a means of birth control.
And if you think God will not say to you....'why did you support abortion....' and not punish you because of your views, you are living in denial. We are all responsible for all we do, say and support, and the time will come when we will be held accountable...and yes, that includes me.

Anonymous said...

2 other quick points:

It would be much safer if a drug addict could go to a nice clean clinic to get their daily fix of IV drugs instead of sneaking around dark dirty ally ways using dirty needles. Should we legalize and provide that service?

How is abortion, as part of any political platform or set of policies, going to advance the country? Consider the millions of children who never lived. How many doctors would have been in that group that could have devoted their lives to cancer research and maybe even found a cure? Sick of gas prices? How many engineers could have come from those millions and developed some great invention and alternate form of energy? The list is infinite.

Anonymous said...

To clear things up:

Any abortion is the killing of a life but I would rather have only one life killed than the possibility of two. And I think a women should have the choice. For some women it is not an option to have a baby, There are those possibilities that we need to think about before making abortions illegal.

And the person who compared abortion to a drug addict. I would like to inform you that there is the Clean Needle Act. This allows anyone over the age of 18 the ability to buy up to 10 needles with out a prescription. This was passed to make sure that drug addicts do to not use dirty needles and possibly get blood transmitted diseases.

As I said before issues like abortion are very touchy. People have a strong views on either side of the issue. I don't mean to offend anyone by saying what I believe but I will not apologies for my thoughts and feelings.

God may punish me for my thought as on of you have said. But I figure God is the one who gave me my freewill and I will use it. We were made in the image of god, he gave us our brains and personality and thoughts. I am not going to fear what anyone may say about me or my thoughts because at the end of the day the only opinion that counts is his.

Anonymous said...


And F.Y.I Todd and others, the last, and ONLY Catholic president was J.F.K, a LIBERAL, and a democrat, who believed in the nation as a whole, not his religion. That is why he won the presidency, and that is why he was assassinated. He was the best of both worlds. Liberal Catholics are educated people with values who have the strength to also think for themselves and become the person God intends on them to become. So if you are saying that we are voting for the "Culture of Death", simply by voting for the good of the country in our earnest opinion, then you my friend, are unpatriotic and frankly, not an American. America is the land for FREEDOM from religious persecution, and that persecution doesn't have to be physical, it can be verbal...