Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama's True Colors

Lots of pre-election news swirling about today. Two of these stories have caught my attention. I also ran across a couple of advertisements from an independent group that help show exactly what Obama is made of. One is meant as a spoof, while the other three are serious. First though, the news:

This story really, in all honesty, doesn't surprise me too much. Obama has spent months and months on the campaign trail, first for the primaries, and then the presidential election. All that time, he has used his excellent rhetoric to hype up his plans of 'Change We Can Believe In'. People have gone so far as to compare him to a political savior, all on empty rhetoric. Well, now that we are almost to the election, Obama is beginning to admit that his hyped promises are empty. A typical politician to say the change there. After all his hype, he is now trying to temper people's expectations. So....which of Obama's promises are we to trust in? Any of them? So, for all you obsessive Obama it comes....your dreams of an American Mecca are beginning to deflate. If your candidate doesn't even believe in his change, why should you? THINK PEOPLE.

This one was an interesting and still developing story. Was it coincidence that, to clear space on his campaign plane, Obama kicked off reporters from three McCain supporting newspapers? Let's, once again, think a little, shall we. I am sure both presidential candidates have way more reporters requesting to ride along than there are seats. McCain has had to make some adjustments as well, as the article indicated. However, some of these reporters have been with Obama since the very start...and now, in the last week, they get the boot? I can not claim to know Obama's mind, but he knew very well that the reporters he kicked off were from papers supporting McCain. It could not have not factored in the decision. The question, which is up to you to decide on, is how much of a factor did that play in the choice?

And now, four commercials that may or may not be on TV (depending on if this organization gets enough donations by 8PM EDT TONIGHT).

This one is more of a satire, but it brings up a big concern on Obama's lack of experience in foreign policy. If you and your friends are threatened by a bully, do you go to the bully and say "lets talk, on your terms, when you want, where you want, no strings attached." What will the bully do? Probably laugh and punch you in the face (or whatever that particular bully does.) It isn't practicle, reasonable, or realisitc. Yet...that is what Obama wants to do with the likes of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Kim Jong Ill of North Korea, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. No, they and others like them do not sit around a table and plot. No, they will not all burst out laughing at Obama's offer to 'talk'...but the commercial gets the point across. Obama's 'policy' for foriegn relations is so pathetic and lacking of any experience and knowledge that, if it didn't put billions of people and the stability of the WORLD at risk, it would be a laughing matter.

Next up comes some clips from Hillary Clinton during the battle for the Democratic nomination. The clips focus on Obama's empty campaign (see story 1, above), his connections with people such as an inner-city Chicago slum lord (not to mention William Ayers, an unrepentative terrorist and others). Directly following that are two more attacking Obama's chracter and morals, or lack there of, along with some more ties to anti-America, anti-democracy groups and people.

Really people...why would you vote for this guy? It is becoming increasingly evident that he doesn't care about America, or me, or you, or anyone one else. Certainly not the unborn, who are the most vulnerable human beings in our society today. All he cares about is power and making history. Fame...glory...publicity.

So...really...are we going to just give this guy what he wants while we are blinded by his lies? I guess we will find out Tuesday. Keep checking my blog...I am sure I will have more to say before Election Day comes.

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