Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saudi Arabia...extreme?

Another offering from The Religion of Peace:

And before someone goes and says "but the Bible says to kill those who use God's name in vain!!!" I would suggest you go grab a Christian theology book and look up the difference between the OLD Covenant and the NEW Covenant.


Unknown said...


Thanks for sharing this, Todd.
We need the wakeup call.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot, not only are you ignorant to Islam, you're ignorant to jews (old testament) AND christians (new testament). I bet you're some college kid that thinks he can make a difference by providing his opinions and provide no statistical, analytical, or even any insight into the matter. Correcting your obviously wrong opinions about the entirety of Islam takes so much effort that I don't think I have the time nor hope for the sake of your unfathomable idiocy.

Todd said...

Oh thats right. Anonymous doesn't agree with me, so that automatically makes me an idiot and un-educated on Islam, Judaism and my own religion.

Tyranny of the Majority alive and well.

Now anonymous, perhaps you should read some of my other posts on Islam before you say I have no "statistical, analytical or even any insight" on the matter. Where are your stats, analysis and insight on the matter? All you do is say I am wrong and call me names. Oh how I love hypocrisies.